It is well known that you use a chirp wheel as a massage technique, but when exactly do you do this in your training? The chirp wheel is therefore suitable for use during the cooling down, but also very nice for muscle pain. Rolling improves recovery and immediately makes the muscle more flexible. I give you 5 exercises that ensure a faster recovery.
1. For your calves
Muscle groups
Your calves have to endure a lot during many workouts. After a good leg day or after a run, you often feel the tension in your calves. By using the chirp wheel after your run, you take the tension out of your calves. This helps against muscle pain.
Tip: If you want to have more pressure on your muscle, keep the weight less on your hands and more on your legs. Do you want less pressure? Then put 1 foot on the floor and do 1 leg at a time.
Place your calves on the chirp wheel and put your hands on the floor behind you for support.
Roll back and forth gently with enough pressure on your calves.
Try to grab both the bottom part and the top part of your calf.
2. For your back
Muscle groups
Back pain, who hasn’t had it once? With the chirp wheel it is also possible to loosen your back. Your upper back will come loose so that you can easily do your exercises. It is also easier to adopt a good posture with loose muscles.
Tip: When you have used the chirp wheel a few times, you can place your hands in front of your chest and then roll. This takes a little more balance, but it puts more pressure on the muscles in the back.
Place the chirp wheel under your back and gently move back and forth.
Make sure you keep even pressure and put your hands on the ground for balance.
Keep the pressure equal on both sides.
3. For your hips / thighs
Muscle groups
The outside of your thigh is a place that is difficult to stretch. Still, this is important, because you use this muscle quite often. With the chirp wheel you put the pressure exactly where it is needed.
Tip: This muscle can be quite sensitive. Is it too sensitive to roll properly? Then put a little more weight on your arms, so that there is less pressure on the leg. Do you want more pressure? Then put your top leg on the bottom one.
- Lie on your side and place the chirp wheel under your lower leg.
- You put the foot of your top leg on the floor so that you have enough support.
- You place your hands on the ground in front of you.
- These also provide extra support.
4. For your glute
Muscle groups
After a heavy squat session or a run, it is likely that you have muscle pain in your glutes. Now you can squeeze yourself into the most disarming position to stretch your glute, but a chirp wheel also lends a helping hand.
Tip: As with the other exercises, you choose how much pressure you put. Less weight on the chirp wheel means less pressure on the muscle. Use your hands to determine how much pressure you are putting on the muscle.
Sit on the chirp wheel.
Place your hands behind your back for support and place your heels on the floor.
Gently roll back and forth, varying the pressure you apply.
5. For your hamstring
Muscle groups
Your hamstring is the muscle that stretches your leg. The hamstring is also an important part of making big strides. You use it quite often in daily life, so when there is too much tension on your muscle, you quickly suffer from this.
Tip: If you want more pressure on the muscle, push your legs lightly into the roller. If it is too sensitive, make sure you carry the most weight on your hands. See what you think is a pleasant pressure and when you can make it heavier or lighten it.
hamstring chirp wheel
- Sit on the floor and place the chirp wheel under your hamstrings.
- Place your hands on the floor behind you for support and extend your legs.
- Keep your feet off the ground so that the roll is really pushing into your hamstring.
- Then gently roll back and forth.
- Exercise gently
These 5 exercises ensure that you recover faster after a hard workout. This article lists 5 large muscle groups, but the smaller muscle groups such as your arms and feet can also be tackled with a chirp wheel. Do you want to know more about the effect of a chirp wheel and how exactly to use it? Then get information at a gym or physiotherapy practice.