To feel better with your back you can work by preventing, observing a correct posture and some advice that I will give you below.
If you already have back pains, in addition to specific back exercises, you can avoid complications by observing these tips:
· adapt the position in which you sleep to your physiology of the column, choosing also a pillow suitable for your cervical lordosis as you spend many hours every night in bed;
· find stratagems to not keep too long a position (no more than 30 minutes in a row) and change it completely to let the column breathe. For example, if you happen to spend a lot of time standing up, use the backspace of the pelvis or place one foot on a rise for a few breaths. If instead you have to sit for some time it is good to get up and perform an extended posture to mobilize our column remained very still;
· in case of cervicalgia or lumbago due to the prolonged working position, ask a specialist of specific exercises of elongation and mobilization that allow you to dissolve muscular tension and let the spine breathe;
· avoids the bending movements of the bust forward , to stretch, to sweep at home, to brush your teeth, to push the wheelchair and to redo the bed: instead of flexing the column use the flexion of your legs that have bigger muscles and strong that you can keep trained. Remember at the end of the day it is better to have tired legs and not the bad back!
· the same thing said above is worth even more when you lift the weights, it is essential to have as-a lift-to-weight strong legs and maintain the curves of the column and thus lift the weight by bending the knees, keeping the extension of the column and bringing the object as close to the our body;
· Avoid the rotations of the trunk keeping the legs still, especially if combined with flexion, move the feet and rotate the whole body together;
· When you have to get up from the supine position, always do it by rotating on one side;
· In case of effort, push, pull, raise activate the transverse muscle of the abdomen to protection;
· Drink a lot to keep the intervertebral discs hydrated;
· Take care of your breathing with exercises to learn how to use it properly using the diaphragm muscle.
If you already have back pains that persist, but you are not in the acute phase of a few days when you can rest, here are some general tips, but remember that it is always important that you refer to a specialist because each of us is a different person that must be treated in an individualized way.
· Do not stay in bed or on the couch, try to move otherwise your back muscles will lose tone, creating even more pain and it will be even harder to reinforce them later, then start with some aerobic exercise, with walking;
· Perform breathing exercises ;
· Perform 2 or 3 times a week stretching to specific muscles that could affect your specific pain;
· Try to strengthen the muscles starting with the abdominals ;
· Exercises on the diaphragm muscle and proprioception are very important .
Always remember that the posture that you keep during the day is very important, especially in those places where you stay for a long time like at work or lying in bed.