The term asana means ” comfortable and comfortable position that can be maintained for a long period of time “. The yoga is based on the practice of many different nature asanas that make strong physique and naturally lengthen the muscles. This practice is therefore perfect for those who want to shape their body without increasing the volume, but making it compact and resistant to efforts.
Here are the positions
Let’s see together the 7 illustrated positions of the most famous traditional yoga, to understand the basis of the discipline and how it benefits the body.
Salamba Sarvangasana , the position of the candle with support. This position in india is defined as the queen of all asanas because it is capable of providing many benefits throughout the body. It is performed by supine raising the legs and then the lumbar section, keeping the limbs perfectly stretched. In this way the blood and lymph circulation receives a different thrust that favors the oxygenation of the body . The musculature benefits, especially the lumbar area.
Sirshasana , the position on the head. This is a slightly difficult asana, as it requires a great mastery of movements and a good center of gravity that balances the whole body . This position is not recommended for those with significant back and neck problems. Sishasana is called by the father as it allows you to act profoundly on the control of the body.
Halasana , position of the plow. This asana is very well known and beneficial, as it helps to relax the muscles of the back and the lower limbs. It comes from supine, going into the candle and only later bringing the legs backwards. If possible, the back of the feet rests on the ground, if it is complex it is sufficient to bend the knees and bring them towards the forehead. The position develops a beneficial massage towards the internal organs, especially the heart.
Matsyasana , the position of the fish is one of the best positions to oxygenate the thyroid and open the chest. It helps to relax the muscles of the back and the pelvis . The position is performed from the back, trying to lift the torso and to bring the head backwards by force in the arms
Paschimottanasana , the position sitting forward. It is one of the most classical positions of yoga that is one of the twelve fundamental elements of hatha yoga . It is performed by sitting with legs outstretched, bringing the torso forward and trying to reach the feet with the palms of the hands , possibly embracing them. The position favors an internal massage of the reproductive organs and, at the same time, relaxes the muscles of the legs and the lumbar region.
Bhujangasana , the position of the cobra. It is a very relaxing asana, which takes care of stretching the pelvis and chest muscles. From the extended position on the stomach you have to lift the pelvis and then point the arms to the ground to stretch the torso as much as possible. Perfect for those who need to stretch the neck area and then seek relief for cervical pain.
Shalabhasana , the position of the locust. This classic position helps both to strengthen the muscles and to develop the center of gravity of the body . The asana is performed on the stomach, lifting the legs and arms at the same time. In this way the sole basin rests on the ground and the limbs float in the air maintaining a beneficial state of tension.